Saturday, November 15, 2008

Proposition 8...News alert! Boycott Works. El Coyote donates cash to gay cause!

According to a morning daily - twenty two minutes after an announcement by protestors to reappear at the El Coyote restaurant in West Hollywood to voice their disapproval over an employee's support of Proposition 8 - employees coughed up $500 to donate to a fund to fight the anti-gay marriage ban!

The Boycott is working!

Ali Bay, a spokeswoman for Equality California, quickly noted to the media how the funds will be put to use.

"It will go toward our work and that includes working to overturn Propo 8. We're working legislatively and through the courts to promote equality for community."

In an earlier post, I noted that gay activists determined earlier in the week that an employee - Marjorie Christoffersen (a Mormon disciple) - donated $100 towards the vote "yes" on Prop 8 campaign.

Because El Coyote is a popular local eatery among gay residents in the neighborhood, the unexpected contribution stirred up a hornet's nest of controversy, when it came to light to opponents of Proposition 8.

Employees rustled up the contribution on short notice for a couple of reasons.

"Maybe it's a way to say sorry, that we have always tried to be a charity place, that we donate to a lot of places. It's something to show we can help also," employee Arnoldo Archila, noted solemnly to the press.

The protestors have been causing a lot of discomfort for employees (one called in and wondered to her superior if she should stay at home until the controversy blew over) and patrons alike.

A handful of customers saw a night of wining and dining go down in flames, ruined by loud protestors in the streets, for instance.

Manager Larry Crenshaw was on top of it, though.

He apologized profusely, then picked up their $50 tab.

I was a little upset to read that Crenshaw alleged that protestors shouted out vulgarities at patrons when they departed from the establishment, on the 2nd evening of protests.

While I support the picketing, and the vocal protesting, I think it is counter-productive to the cause to engage in low, demeaning conduct, that amounts to harassment.

Therefore, I strongly urge all activists involved in the protests to hold their heads high and tackle the cause with dignity and grace.

That issue aside, a quote by Abraham Lincoln merits thought, too.

"To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men."

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